Most of the time, individuals prepare their study permit applications independently. It is easy for visa officers to refuse such applications since they do not find it strong enough to convince them. The best thing for students to avoid such a scenario is to ensure that their applications are correctly processed. This will convince the visa officers, and they will be able to approve their student visa applications. The Canadian Immigration department flags most visa-required countries. As a result, students from such countries will have to undergo rigorous screening procedures compared to students who apply from visa-exempt countries.
It is mandatory for everyone, be it a student, visitor, or worker from a visa-required country, to have a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) on their passports. TRV is an essential travel authorization that allows them to travel to Canada. However, a TRV is automatically issued when students apply for a study visa.
The application procedure for a student visa is a time enduring one. It is because complete personal and family information is required. Various other documents must also be produced in order to support and strengthen the application process. Unlike the USA, where study visas are issued based on interviews, Canada’s screening process is based mainly on paper applications. Therefore, student visa applications must be strongly prepared. The immigration officers can decide in favor of the applicants based on the correct information they provide in their applications.
There is a high rate of student visa refusal because individuals are unaware of the correct process when they apply on their own. It is even more important to note that all the reasons for the previous student visa refusals must be addressed appropriately, or the chances of getting refused again are very high.
• Proper Study Plan
The lack of a proper study plan will make the application weak. A visa officer will not be able to ensure whether the student’s primary purpose for arriving in Canada is to study. This is why a comprehensive and proper study plan is essential. Applicants with previous post-graduate academic qualifications or work experience should provide a logical progression of their academics while applying. The intended study program must look sensible for the applicant’s career in future. If a student opts for a diploma program, that must be addressed correctly in the application to show how that program can be helpful when returning to his or her home country. Failing to do so is one of the most common reasons for a student visa refusal.
• Financial Stability
The visa officer wants to make sure that applicants have sufficient funds to support them in their studies and stay in Canada. Therefore, it is vital to provide supporting documents to ensure financial stability.
• Not Having a Previous Travel History
Visa refusal chances are high for students who are applying on their own with no previous travel history.
• Relatives in Canada
There can be visa refusals for students who apply on their own, especially when they have family members residing in Canada.
• If the student is not able to produce all the required evidentiary documents
• If the student is older and is not able to provide proper employment prospects in the home country
• If the student is older and not able to provide genuine current employment status
• If previously charged with a criminal offence (Criminal Inadmissibility)
• If having a previous history of misrepresenting information to Canadian Immigration authorities and received a ban for doing so
• If there is a prior history of getting deported for visiting and overstaying illegally
• If having a contagious disease that can be a threat to other citizens/residents (Medical Inadmissibility)
• If the applicant has an illegal status in the country of residence
Visa Officers give more attention to an application, especially when an Immigration lawyer prepares it. It is because they know that the immigration lawyer is knowledgeable about the entire student visa application procedure and that all required documentation is promptly processed. Applicants with study visa refusals who take the help of an immigration lawyer to resubmit their case are very likely to get approval from the visa officer. It is because the immigration lawyer will be able to adequately address the reason for a previous visa refusal, justify it, and ensure that the study visa is approved. Therefore, it is highly recommended that students with visa refusals consult an experienced immigration lawyer to resubmit their case and secure approval from the visa immigration authorities.