Immigration/Job Scam Awareness & Intervention Program
The Program is designed to help identify and address the menace of immigration/job scams. The Program includes individual consultations, webinars, seminars, workshops, lectures, etc. In addition, we Campaign for law reforms and legislation that protect prospective immigrants from unauthorized consultants, unauthorized recruiters, etc.
We deliver information sessions, lectures, etc., on the following topics.
What is immigration fraud?
Various kinds of immigration fraud
Email, telephone, and internet scams
Immigration fraud in Canada
Canadian citizenship fraud
PNP fraud
Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) fraud
Unauthorized Consultants/ Ghost Consultants
Job Scams
Adoption Fraud
Marriage Fraud
How to spot a job scam?
How to spot unauthorized agents/ghost consultants
How to identify if an immigration website is a scam
How to identify a fraudulent job offer
How to report fraud and scams
How to file a complaint
Complaints regarding an immigration consultant
Complaints regarding an immigration lawyer or notary
Complaints regarding an employer
Who is authorized to represent immigration applications?
Ghost Consultancy- Definition, how to spot a ghost consultant.
Document fraud & Misrepresentation & Penalties